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Safety First, Safety Always

     Working on any railway,  light rail track, or roadway requires the that the utmost care be given to the railway workers safety at all times. Our trained Flaggers will ensure that your construction project, or contracted crew is safe and able to complete your task on schedule.

    If you are looking to provide training to your crew to equip them to be able to provide flagging in-house, we will equip your employees with the most up-to-date information and training as required by the FRA-(49 CFR Ch. II,234.7) to flag on any freight rail line. Needing LRWPP training, we can provide that as well. Regional will provide up-to-date flagger training for individuals, contractors, and workmen who need to be within any lightrail R.O.W. 

     Regional Railroad Safety offers both in-person and virtual classroom settings. Classes are easy to schedule, offer flexible time-slots, and same day certification for all passing participants. For in-person classes, Regional instructors will put your employees/contractors safety first and foremost concerning COVID-19. Our instructors will follow World Health Organization guidelines to ensure that the classroom setting is safe for all who enter. Unable to get everyone in the same place at the same time, no worries. RRSS offers virtual classrooms and master webinar training complete with videos, and easy to use slides, and question and answer time to certify that everyone fully understands the information provided for railroad safety. After passing the class, participants will receive printable certificates, printable Safety Training cards for use when working within the R.O.W. 

    Have an issue with a lost card, no problem, a detailed digital log of all certified participants is kept so that a card can be quickly replaced so that there is no down time on the job.


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